Monday, July 11, 2005


"hmmm I'm feeling very happy today. Dunno why but there seems to be a lot of people around the house these few days. Today everyone was smiling and laughing and I seem to be the center of attraction. There were so many aunties holding me today.

First there's Aunty Teng Teng which mummy & Aunty Yu Ling kept calling her Big Elmo. I am a bit confuse leh..... there's elmo in my arms and I'm sitting on Big Elmo?!?! So am I suppose to call her aunty Teng Teng or Elmo? Aunty Teng Teng is very cute. She hasn't stop talking since she first came. And I like the way she carries me. Very comfortable eventhough she's so small size.

Then Big Elmo (or Aunty Teng Teng!?!?) passed me to Godma. Mummy calls her my self-proclaim godma. What is self- proclaim? What is a godma? Anyway I like godma a lot. She makes me smile and she likes to talk to me though I dun understand what she is alwiz talking about. Poor godma. We went "kai kai" yesterday and mummy and aunty Teng Teng was alwiz shopping...alwiz leaving Godma & I waiting outside the shops. I was alwiz sleeping and she's just standing there reading the newspaper. But I think she enjoys it becoz she gets to spend time with me.

Then godma passed me to Aunty Yu Ling. I will alwiz wait for Aunty Yu Ling to come back from work becoz she plays with me before I go to sleep everynite. She calls me her new "Toy boy". Doesn't she have her own toys to play with? I dun mind sharing my toys with her.

And then finally I was passed back to mummy. But I'm not hungry yet. ahhh but I like to be carried by mummy. Dunno why but I feel most comfortable when mummy carries me. Then Daddy also wants to carry me. He brought out this big toy he bought for me. Dunno if it's his toy or mine..... he looks happier then me playing with it. Mummy & all the aunties were laughing at him....."
excerpts taken from "The Thoughts of Jerrell Tee, age 2 1/2 months"


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