10 Commandments
ok since James has been asking us to blog about our LG & Chin Hor has no time to do it so I guess I'll write a bit about it.
For the past 2 weeks our group have been learning about the 10 Commandments and the previous week we learned about the Bible in general. We did the usual stuff. Ask questions and get other people to answer it and Sivin will rectify or add on to the answers. Last week Sivin asked us to share one thing we've learned so far. When it was my turn to share I couldn't think of anything.....my mind just went blank. I'm like that....if you ask me on the spot to think of something I've learned or share about something, I won't be able to come up with an answer straight away (that's why I dun think I can be an MC or a talk show host! ;P) Anyway I shared that I've learned what Sivin has taught us, that the 10 commandments actually has 2 parts, the first 3 commandments is about God and the rest are about people. I remember someone asking why is there only 3 commandments about God and so many about us......and I think Joey is the one who came up with the answer, 1 GOD and 6 billion people, that's why! ! hehe
Well when I went home I was still thinking about the 10 commandments..... I was thinking about the overall picture, what it represent or what it mean to us. Then this thot suddenly came to me...... the 10 commandment together with the other one that Jesus gave us (love the Lord with all your heart and soul and love ur neighbours too...some called it the 11th commandment), it's like a summary of what the Bible is all about. It's like each commandment is a big huge title and the stories in the Bible is supporting it by teaching us what to do, what not to do, what is right and what is wrong. .....hmmmm.... just a thot, I am still pondering about it.
That's a nice way of looking at it... :o)
10:17 AM
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