Monday, October 03, 2005

Signs of getting old

I had to housesit for someone last week and while I was talking to the guy about all the arrangement suddenly I have this strange feeling liked I've aged 10 years.
- You know you are old when someone actually trust you to housesit for them and look after their 16 year old daughter.
- You know you are getting old when you dun mind getting up early in the morning. I had to get up at 6:20am in the morning to walk Sophie (the 16 year old daughter) to the guardhouse and make sure she gets on the bus on time. And I actually enjoyed waking up that early and I didn't even go back to sleep!! yes..malaysia must be snowing.... Waking up to smell the nice cool fresh air is nice once a while. For those of you who know me...I'm not exactly a morning person and about the only time I get up that early (apart from my school days) is when I have a plane to catch or when I need to pee!!

haha maybe I'm just being paranoid becoz my BD is coming. I dunno... I'm kind of excited that I'm turning 20.........ok ok...turning 30. ;P To me it's like closing a chapter of my life and opening a brand new one. It's like exploring a whole new outlook in life. It's like journeying into a whole new dimension. (ok...too much Star Trek!!) Whatever it is.... I'm glad I've a bunch of frens to share my journey with. God is certainly good to me.


Blogger Ahha said...

Hey !!! I believed you when you told me that you just turned 18th last year . How come you suddenly turn 30!

11:57 PM


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