Bye bye Old House
I'm back!! Have started a blog for United Voice during the conference at Penang so I'm in a blogging mood now. hahaha BTW check out the UV blog at
Thot I'll write about my old house. That's right I've moved since beginning of this year. To where? I've moved from Taman Desa to Taman Desa. yup...... moved to a new condo opposite the Tmn Desa medical center with my family (unfortunately!).
I always thot that I won't be missing the house since I've have been staying at Josephine's place quite often for the past few months. But of course shifting my stuff for the last few days it suddenly hit me how much I'm going to miss the place. I've stayed there for almost 26 years. On the last day I went to every area and said bye. Bye bye house. Thanks for providing shelter, laughter, fun, tears, confusion, joy, learning, anger, comfort and love to me for the past 26 years.
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